
Consortya is still in Alpha. Thank you to everyone who watched our presentation at CSGC 2020.

Check out our latest Release Notes and return back when we have a show!

Consortya Download

Currently Unavailable to the Public

Installation Instructions

  • To install this game you must have a Mac or a PC
  • This game is roughly 500 mb
  1. Choose which version you need
  2. Click the link to Download (this will download a .zip file)
  3. Unzip the file
  4. Click on the to launch the app. (Note: Some versions of Mac will say it can't be opened, Open System Preferences, then Security and Privacy, General, allow apps downloaded from and allow from Moonlight Games, LLC)
  5. Once the game starts running, you can make a username and password, and design your character.
  6. Have fun! 
  7. Please understand that this is still in Beta.