Consortya lets you merge your love of music and games.
Consortya is an MMORPG where balancers wield magical spells infused with musical tendencies. Players acquire new dance moves, magical attacks, and more while taking down The Qualmish Empire, an evil record label run by monsters. The game features social spaces where real musical artists will be performing live music. The adventure and combat bolster this experience and allow balancers to collect hidden songs from upcoming performers. Consortya is being designed and developed by Andy Martin, of indie studio Moonlight Games, LLC. He has worked on multiple games and mobile apps, including the award winning mobile music app Ditty by Zya. We are currently in Private Beta Early as of August 2020. There are seven dungeons, one concert venue, one mini stage, and two Steam achievements. Soon we'll enter a public beta where we'll keep refining the core with you, our community, until it is so fun that we continue building the first installment of the adventure, Consortya: Nightfall.
Check out the game on Steam and add it to your wishlist.