Yesterday, with the backyards of Bentonville, AR covered in snow, a small group of 4 Consortyans met with purpose. Laptops and desktop computers were brought into my home as my wife prepared a delicious breakfast casserole, one of my favorite Christmas dishes. Nearly 2000 miles away in southern San Francisco, CA, 2 other Consortyans spent the morning arranging their own desktop computers and installing the latest build of Consortya.
The goal was simple. After years of development, and a concerted 3 month effort of preparation, we set out to record the game footage that will be used for our #ConsortyaKickstarter campaign. There are 3 core game components to our groundbreaking new sub genre "Concert Adventure MMORPG": live music, adventure, and remixes. The live music component is incredibly cool. With adventure, you set out to find out what makes Consortya special. Remixes allow you to take ownership of the music you collect along the way.
Recording was a crazy experience. The 6 of us were yelling across the house and across Slack for places and positions. Our "actors" needed to hit their marks! We had a blast. Everything we recorded was real game footage. Everything, including the networking, combat, broadcasting, and mixing components are real.
We've been working on Consortya for years, and we are so excited to get a chance to run this Kickstarter. We need to be backed so that we can complete and get the core game out to the world. There will be plenty of content additions after that. We're going to change lives, change music, and change the future. We're editing the footage now so check back in a couple of weeks.